Senin, 08 Juni 2009


yya gue take ya, eh tapi kalo ayya mah ga usah bilang-bilang canda nh gue bilang

Can you name 30 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 30 people. No cheating!

1. her
2. Naufal Caesarianda
3. Kyra Chiara
4. Rahanandra Hadyan
5. Dinda Dinisa
6. Reza Zubaidi
7. Vara pieter
8. Rizal Achmad
9. Ayya Latuconsina (mati aja canda banget ya ayya-_-)
10. Tom Zein
11. Hanifah Kamiliasari
12. Nisa Maulidyta
13. Nadya Anindita
14. Mahardhika Rizki
15. Dinda Mariske
16. Kevin Diandratama
17. Thirafi Nur Miraj
18. Ori Muafa
19. Diaz Respati
20. Diandra Shari
21. Delino Barid
22. Astrid Avanda
23. Jelang Fajar
24. Vica Kartikasari
25. Chikita Ginni
26. Venna Shafira
27. Tania Rizqia
28. Danu Izra
29. Ardio Rhansjah
30. Muhammad Fadhil

• How did you meet 10 ?
- pas di 7E deh ya

• What would you do if you had never met 6 ?
- biasa aja lah teja doang woakakakaka

• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated ?
- tuh din sama adda gue kenalin deh woakakakak

• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be ?
- dih najis milih teja apa mahar -_- ga mainan dah

• Did you ever like 9 ?
- GA SAMA SEKALI hahahaha

• Have you ever seen 4 cry ?
- pernah deh waktu itu pas andra ribut sama siapa ya tapi ga nangis lebay

• Would 4 and 12 make a good couple ?
- tuh nis ndra mau ga ? hahahaha

• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple ?
- terserah tuh ce kalo lo mau sih ambil aja hahahaha mt banget

• Describe 8 :
- kumis awoakakakaka canda ya zal

• Do you like 12 ?
- ya ga lah masa sama nisa hahahaha

• Tell me something about 17 :
- cina, orang kaya awoakakaka, pendek, behel

• What's 7's favorite color ?
- hem apaan ya var ? gatau

• What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you ?
- demi apa ? sholat tahajud awoakakakaka

• When was the last time you talked to number 15 ?
- hem kapan ya din pas hari jumat

• How do you think 19 feels about you ?
- lah kagak tau yaz -__-'

• What languages does 13 speak ?
- english abis paling tinggi bahasa inggris sebel bahasa indonesia lah

• Who is 2 going out with ?
- tulis ga ya ce AWOAKAKAKAK canda

• What grade is 16 in ?
- 7

• What is 5's favorite music ?
- keroncong AWOAKAKAKAK canda ya je

• Would you ever date 3 ?
- dih kagak lah masa sama kyra -_-

• Is 11 single ?
- single yang mau bilang hahaha canda

• What is 10's last name ?
- zein apa RAHARDJO canda ya andra, zein deng

• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7?
- ga lah masa devara awoakakaka

• Where does 18 live ?
- yang pasti Bandung

• What do you think about 20 ?
- cantik ye lu dda awoakakakak tapi ga suka ye

• What is the best thing about 4 ?
- apaan ya ndra ? tinggi ? canda awoakakaka

• Is 21 hard-working ?
- yes if ...... canda ya delino hahahaha

• What would you like to tell 14 right now ?
- hem apa ya ke hutan aja gih mahar hahahaha

• How did you meet 9 ?
- lupa deh yya -_-

• What is the best and worst thing about 2 ?
- best suka dibegoin, worst hem kalo minta utang suka nyumpahin awoakakak

• Are you going to know 3 forever ?
- tau deh kyr tergantung awoakakaka

• How long have you known 26 ?
- baru smp deh kayaknya ven

• Who is 24 ?
- temen ye vic kita, gue suka minjem buku geografi sih haha

• Are you or did you ever date 28 ?
- NO ga lah masa danu -_-

• Do you have a crush on 27 ?
- never dah ga pernah

• Would you kiss 25 ?
- ga banget ya chit ga mau ga akan

• Have you hugged/kissed 22 ?
- never ga akan ga mau

• Is 29 your bff ?
- ga juga sih entar kalo gue temenan sama ardio autis deh -_- canda

• What do you hate about 23 ?
- apaan ya jel ? ga ada

• What's your relationship with 30 ?
- friend lah temen

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